Shipping Info

Hey bud, what’s the deal with shipping?

We’re the same as you when shopping online – we want low cost or free shipping.

But, Coach says the shipping carriers set the rates.

So, here’s some plays we drew up for you:

  • Free delivery within 50kms of Minnedosa, MB.
  • Fill up your cart to lower your per tin shipping cost. Our shipping carrier charges the same rate ($14.90) for shipping 1 tin or 5 tins, so $14.90/5tins = $2.98 per tin.
  • Grab some buds & make 1 order together to share the shipping cost.
  • Find us on Amazon for free shipping options.
  • Get your team to use Sniper Sauce as a fundraiser. Sell to other teams in your town, sell to your buds in other towns and your team gets to keep part of the sales revenue and we ship your bulk order to you for free. Contact us for more information.